eAccess Benefits

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About eAccess Benefits

eAccess Benefits is a series of real-time transactions that create product-specific reimbursement clarity in the moment of care.



eAccess Benefits consists of 3 core transactions:


Delivers real-time, product-specific benefit transparency and enables incremental patient on-boarding workflows for products covered under a patient’s medical benefit.

Learn More About MedeBV

VirMedica’s MedeBV

VirMedica pioneered the automated medical benefit investigation. In fact, our MedeBV has been in the market since 2007. Dozens of the world’s leading office administered therapies use our MedeBV transaction to simplify patient on-boarding, lower costs and improve service to providers and patients. VirMedica’s MedeBV transaction delivers the most robust product-specific intelligence in the market.

Provides real-time, product-specific benefits transparency and automated workflows.

  • Reimbursement

    Is the patient covered for this therapy? How does the plan design respond?

  • Payer Requirements

    Are there restrictions? (Prior Authorization/Steps Edits?)

  • Patient Affordability Intelligence

    Identifies users in known government programs.

  • Referral Management

    Can I refer to any SP or Provider — or, are there restrictions?

A two-step process which identifies a patient’s Group Level insurance benefits and formulary status.

Provides the user with patient-specific out of pocket costs and PA information.

Configuration Options

VirMedica’s eAccess Benefits solutions are designed to complement today’s complex patient access ecosystem. VMI’s eAccess Benefits’ transactions can be accessed via an API or through our batch processing services. At present, batch processing services are only available for MedeBV.

